Our Services


The continuous development and support of the sales network is a key objective of Koulieris SA and is achieved by:

  • the continuous training of our salespeople
  • their support with new order entry and product presentation technologies
  • the continuous follow-up and development of sales, on a daily basis, with automated communications, but also with sales coaching by the company’s executives


In order to achieve all these we rely on the executives of the companies we cooperate with, who provide us with continuous training for our salespeople and inform us about new products and market trends. But also on the IT department of Koulieris SA and to our external partners for technology issues.

As a result of the above, our sales executives increase their performance and efficiency, achieve the company’s goals and create relationships of trust and stability with our customers.

We also inform our customers about new products and innovations, which will provide them with immediate solutions and profit in their work.

The company’s sales team consists of 18 people, with the specialties of:

  • retail sellers
  • foodservice sales consultants
  • ex-van sellers
  • merchandisers


Finally, the sales team is supported by the Customer Service department which ensures smooth cooperation with the customer, continuous customer support and prompt resolution of problems.



Logistics is the process of organizing, transporting and storing goods from one point (origin) to another (consumption).

Koulieris SA serves the logistics project of some of the largest industrial and commercial companies operating in Greece. Our company is a reliable and standard partner providing live information to our authorized partners and serves directly, with security, formality and a human face to all customers, respecting the conditions that have been agreed.
This is achieved due to:

  • Long-term experience in Supply Chain Management
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Certified fleet of means of transport
  • Highly trained human resources.
  • Use of high-tech electronic systems.
  • Expertise and organization.
Koulieris SA does not simply distribute your products. It becomes a reliable partner.


In a constantly changing environment, with developments being rapid, both locally and internationally, retail is changing, following new trends and consumer needs. In the context of these changes, Koulieris SA provides Merchandising services to industry and commercial enterprises, responding to the needs of retailers, through our sales team.

The sales team of Koulieris SA is able to:

  • Identify store deficiencies and highlight necessary orders
  • Place products on shelves
  • Ensure FIFO (First In First Out), i.e. the products that have “entered” the store first, are sold first.
  • Undertake the placement of stands that function as extra promotion and sales points.
  • Monitor the store so that the products are clean and in good condition.
  • Take care of the placement of advertising material.
  • Check that there are no expired products in the partner.
  • Replace defective or unavailable expired products